Jan 12, 2016

Tuesday - we play 2

We had our team dinner last night and it is a great night to visit with your teammates and get to know them a bit (and see how they look without any baseball stuff on -- or in some cases those teammates who don't wear all their clothes in the clubhouse) and eat some good food. It was followed by a cigar and autograph party - I had to get some signatures on some baseballs for my dad so that worked out nicely.

The body is a tad sore this morning - probably will go hit the jacuzzi this morning in the trainer's room -- I did the cold tub last night (I blogged about this year) -- the cold tub is an amazing way to refresh those muscles (it has something to do with the lactic acid -- I don't really care what happens -- it's just magic) -- but getting your entire body (sans head) into 50 degree water is not a fun experience.  The first 2 minutes is absolutely torture -- but the next 8 minutes are reasonable and your body will thank you later.  This morning I will do the opposite (copyright George Costanza) and hit up the hot tub.

We have some good characters on the team - I really like how we got everyone in the game -- our team has 15 players and sometimes....sometimes...you have certain teammates who always want to play and don't want to sit, etc, etc -- we do not, everyone is talking about playing here or there and moving around and subbing -- it's a good group.  We also had most of rookie players get their first hits in yesterday as well - so just a solid day overall -- winning helps but good team make up so far.  Our team has figured out that if for some reason we don't do well on the field in the next 5 games of the round robin - an off the field opportunity is to out-eat any other team - one thing we do have as a resource is Gold Glove caliber dinner plate cleaners -- highlighted by one Jimmie Meyers.  Most of us at the table were lapped by Jimmie's 8 course meal -- topped off  by some pecan pie and ice cream.  Well done sir and you have my Hall of Fame vote when it comes time for your induction into the Hall of Shame.....I mean Hall of Fame when it comes pounding down some food - although I might be bias in my assessement -- Jimmie and I both ordered the ribeye and mashed potatoes (with plenty of butter) - he does have good taste.

Well boys let's get 2 of them today and look forward to Weds swing day (we play only one) -- and a quick shout out to those who are back home braving the cold -- CJ, Sorney, Will, Schmack (and others) -- STAY WARM HOMIES!  *smile*

~~ "You can observe a lot just by watching." - Yogi Berra ~~

1 comment:

  1. Forecast is for 28 degrees on Thursday!!!! So we have that going for us


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