Jan 3, 2025

Overflowing Gratitude

By its nature, this blog is supposed to cover highlights of the week that is baseball (Minnesota Twins Fantasy Camp) but as I remind people from time to time - when given a microphone you can say whatever you want - so this blog can actually have anything on it - sometimes its a rube rant and other times it just heartwarming (oh goodness.....) story or even random topic.

This post is just about an abundance of gratitude I have been feeling for the last 2 months (not saying I didn't have any prior to that) but my heart has been stirring as of late and gratitude is the overwhelming main emotions (mix in some tears of JOY!). I thank the Lord for the so many blessings that myself, my wife, and family have been generously provided - not only in this moment and in the past, but the future which I know has plenty of light despite the World we live in and its opportunities to be dragged down in the dark. So thank you God!

My gratitude can also be highlighted in different ways - one way is simply running across cool stories (or short videos) and one of them is a recent video of Tom Moore - he is an 85 year old man with 46 years of NFL coaching experience (I just turned 50 -- crazy to think about) and I watched this video about 2 weeks ago and loved it (I am sucker for any sports biographies - "A Football Life" on NFL network are my absolute favorites)

If you watch the video (it's 10 minutes -- you have wasted 10 min in way worse ways....) Tom Moore walks through 6 things that can get you off track:

  •         Greed
  •         Jealousy
  •         Boredom
  •         Death by Inches
  •         Bitching
  •         Agendas

Wow - if you really think about the times you have been off track - you can probably pinpoint using Tom's bullet list of reasons. It really made me think of ways to get yourself on track (or maybe never straying off track....yes good luck with that) but if you are noticing that rinse and repeat cycle and life is throwing you curveballs that you keep swinging at but much like Pedro Cerrano -- you cannot even get close to them here are ways to get you back on track:

  •   If Greed is a problem start by Being Generous
  •   If Jealousy is ruining your attitude try Being Content
  •  If Boredom is eating you alive Find your Purpose (or your passion)
  •  Death by Inches (Tom's point was "If I cannot make it to work by 3am, then it's time to go") is a potential problem start Creating Margin (for most of us margin meaning, being less busy, finding more moments in your day)
  • Quit your bitching and Practice Gratitude (this will make you smile more)
  •  If agendas and being a control freak is your culprit - Let go and Let God

My life changed in April 1999 when I turned my life over to Jesus - if you have any of the 6 things that Tom says will get you off base may you consider a different way of finding your way again. I can't imagine how often and how off base my life would be without my Savior.

With tremendous amount of gratitude I sign off on this Friday.

Just 2 more sleeps until camp starts on Sunday.

~~ "You can observe a lot just by watching." - Yogi Berra ~~

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