Jan 9, 2019

Grace blog (not baseball related)

Once in a while this blog takes a hard right turn (see article about Steve Lufkin) but this year our family had a game changing event this summer (well a few events – maybe not game changers) – but in June my wife decided we were going to do some daycare for a 21 month old little girl – her dad (single dad named Tim) was in between trying to find child care for his daughter (her name is Grace). We agreed to watch her for a few weeks until his child care situation was situated – in the mean time we all fell in love.  My two sons, my wife and myself – we all have enjoyed having her around and helping out with giving her dad the peace of mind when he is working or needing someone to watch her. I have always liked kids – I am blessed with so many nieces and nephews and have enjoyed spending time with them (mostly before they grew up!!) and with the busy schedules my uncle time is not where I would prefer it to be – but this little 2 year old sweetie has stolen my heart. I am blessed and thankful for her presence in my life and love how she has transformed our family in different ways.
Grace finishing dinner, my son Ty with photo bomb
I generally pick her up at daycare every Weds after I am done with work and watch her for a few hours while her dad attends a weekly meeting – most weeks my sons and wife attend church services – so I get to be with her by myself for at least 2 hours – we have a lot of fun playing with toys, playing songs by telling Alexa what to play (Grace is so close to being able to instruct the crazy robot by herself), and reading a few books (we need to do more of this!). The days the whole family is around, the boys help out by playing with her (sometimes she only wants to play with them) - which is great. I grew up with a single mom situation in subsidized apartment living and really feel a connection to both of them. I am lucky to have both Tim and Grace in my family's life.

Our big little girl, Grace

I think my reason for this post is to make aware to those who may be reading is to step out of your comfort zone and lend a hand to someone who may need it – the blessings alone are worth it.

It's Weds and I miss seeing her and look forward to being home and hanging out with Grace next Weds. I always miss my family during this week, but this year my family got a little bigger.

~~ "You can observe a lot just by watching." - Yogi Berra ~~

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much paul.we love you and you are a blessing to grace and i more than you know.words cannot express how grateful we are god put you in our life.so grateful.we love you!cant wait to see ya!!


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