Jan 5, 2022

2022 Camp - it's on.....

Just a few days away from departure to Ft Myers the world is....well just strange....still. 

I have actually done a few things this year prior to leaving which is not what I had done in many of the years prior to 2022.

1) Began packing before Friday  -- yes, in my closet right now is basically everything I need for camp - I did it, long before the few hours I leave 

2) Losing weight and being in "good" shape for the long week of baseball. This is most important from the fact that I played a week of baseball in Cooperstown in Sept and dinged up my hamstring -- so starting on October 1st I made it a priority to get things in shape so I can be injury free for the week -- so far so good and in the classic announcement of "in the best shape of my life" I could declare this but I will pass on that and wait to see the results. 

This summer (before the baseball season started) I joined a hit club in Feb to get ready to play baseball and I easily had my worst year at the plate even though I was taking batting practice weekly and throwing the ball -- so we will see what this week at camp brings with the body in a much stronger (and lighter) frame than in the past.

I am anxious to see which veteran campers will be there and which ones won't -- I also wonder how many of the Pro Staff will make it - a few obstacles and health concerns can easily make tough decisions for anyone attending camp this year.

I will be proudly wearing a t-shirt that says, "Brothers Don't Shake hands, Brothers gotta hug!"

I will keep a tally of hugs since I like to keep stats.

~~ "You can observe a lot just by watching." - Yogi Berra ~~


Missed Opportunities

Game 7 was looking for a victory but with so many opportunities but couldn't cash them in at the right time and lost the game 3-2 to the...