Jan 11, 2017

Kangaroo Court was in session last night

Lots of fines -- almost $2400 raised this evening a fantastic way to donate money to the local children's hospital.  I escaped any fines this evening but friday looms.

Court in Session:  https://youtu.be/jP8fDRtaLuE

Hess getting fined (NSFW - some swear words):  https://youtu.be/nWkCet82Ehs

Al Newman stole the show with a follow up to a Milk Dud story which is evidently is a favorite of another camper and she was on the record of saying anyone who delivers Milk duds to her room -- well let's just say it was suggested "good things could go in a certain direction".

Clip 1 - https://youtu.be/Qcn4FaWtURg

Clip 2 - https://youtu.be/L64ZiXPYRD8

An enjoyable evening after a sub-par hitting day at the plate

~~ "You can observe a lot just by watching." - Yogi Berra ~~

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